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Bin-It 123

Additional bin and side waste reminder

We would like to remind all our residents in Mid Devon that as part of the Bin-It 123 service all households are entitled to one 180L black wheeled bin (or seagull sack) for non-recyclable waste. Additional containers can be requested if required and submitted for review by the team. We will only collect your waste from Mid Devon issued bins or seagull sacks. Additional bins or seagull sacks must have an authorised additional container permit attached to it, as waste from extra bins without a permit will not be collected. We require all residents within Mid Devon to place waste within their wheeled bin or reusable seagull sack provided as part of the Bin-It 123 service.

We are notifying residents who are not adhering to the Bin-It 123 scheme via letter; this letter highlights the waste collection issue(s) that we have found at the property. We hope this will encourage all residents to support the scheme - please contact us if you require further assistance with this. The Council may take enforcement action if these waste collection issues continue to occur at the property.

If you find you are struggling to contain your waste in the bin/seagull sack provided, please contact us via our request additional or change/exchange of black bin online form - this request will then be assessed by our Recycling Advisors.

If you do not have one of our Mid Devon waste containers, please contact us via the request a new waste container form.

More than 37,000 wheelie bins/reusable seagull sacks have been delivered across the district.

All households will be required to place their non-recyclable waste within the provided black wheelie bin (or reusable seagull sack where issued) with the lid closed when placed out for collection.

The Benefits

By introducing this change to non-recyclable waste collections, the Council will be able to achieve a number of environmental benefits which will help the Council meet Government guidelines to recycle 65% of household waste by 2035 and Devon’s proposed 60% recycling rate by 2025.

It will also enable the council to:

  • Reduce our carbon footprint
  • Increase recycling rate
  • Increase in the amount of food waste collected
  • Decrease in non-recyclable waste collected

From the trial carried out in July 2021, residents taking part in the trial achieved: 

Household recycling Rate

Household waste (black sack/bins) % change Household food waste % change Household recycling % change
68% -41% +23% +5%


Reduction in non-recyclable waste collected

Increase in the amount of recycling collected 

Increase in the amount of food waste collected 

Reduced CO2 emissions

No changes are being considered to other waste or recycling collection frequencies at this time.

We will not be emptying privately owned wheeled bins, unless they have been purchased from MDDC within the last 5 years and include the Mid Devon District Council’s logo stamped into the front of the bin. The reason for this is that we source bins that are suitable and safe to lift on our refuse collection vehicles from approved suppliers. Bins purchased from other outlets may not be suitable for our vehicle bin lifts and could cause a health & safety risk to our staff and the public.

All households will be issued a 180L wheeled bin but if you have no outside space or have steps leading to the property seagull sacks are available. We will also issue seagull sacks to those who have to take their waste to a collection point, for example at the end of lanes in rural areas.

If you would like to enquire about seagull sacks please contact us via:



Phone: 01884 255255


All households will be required to use the wheeled bin provided for the new service, however if you have purchased a wheeled bin from MDDC within the last 5 years and the bin has the Mid Devon District Council’s logo stamped into the front of the bin you are able to use this bin and we will then replace your bin when it is no longer serviceable.

We can collect any unwanted wheeled bins, if requested, to be recycled.

If you have purchased a wheeled bin from MDDC within the last 5 years and the wheeled bin has our Mid Devon District Council’s logo stamped into the front of the bin you are able to carry on using this bin. We will then replace your bin when it is no longer serviceable.

If you would like to recycle your old wheeled bin, you can contact us via:



Phone: 01884 255255

No, we request that all waste that is put out for collection is placed within the wheelie bin or seagull sack provided.

Please contact us via email or phone and we can arrange for a wheeled bin to be delivered:



Phone: 01884 255255

If there is no where to store a wheel bin at the collection point, then please get in touch and we’ll arrange for seagull sacks to be delivered. You can then transport your waste to the collection point as you currently do, and then place it inside the seagull sack, which will deter gulls and other animals from ripping the bags open.



Phone: 01884 255255

Seagull Sacks are highly durable, extra thick woven polypropylene bags with a Velcro lid and weighted base. They are 170l in size, nearly the same capacity as the wheeled bins

Properties that cannot accommodate wheeled bins or in areas that our vehicles are unable to access, for example on rural collection points, will be issued a seagull sack free of charge on request.

In order to help us prevent litter and scavenging animals, if you do not have wheeled bins please ensure that you always use a seagull-proof refuse sack when you put out your non-recyclable waste for collection.

To order one please contact us by email or by calling 01884 255255

You can help our collection crews by only placing bagged waste into the seagull sacks and by ensuring that it will be easy to lift the bags out of the sack without needing to untie the handles.

Please take your seagull sack back inside as soon after your collection as possible. We would advise that you mark your property name or number on the bag to help you identify it.

Yes, they are a highly durable extra thick woven polypropylene bags with a Velcro lid and weighted base.


170L, nearly the same capacity as the wheeled bins.

If you double wrap the products before placing in your non-recyclable waste, this will reduce the smell dramatically.

An alternative is to use real nappies which can be reused over and over again. To find out more please refer to Nappies - Recycle Devon.

If you double wrap animal waste before placing in your non-recyclable waste, this will reduce the smell dramatically.

If you flat pack cardboard and crush plastic bottles, cans and tins before placing them in your recycling boxes, this will significantly reduce the space taken up within the boxes. If you still have extra recycling you can place the recyclable items within carrier bags (not black in colour) and put them with your recycling. If you use carrier bags for recycling please only place one material type per bag.

If you require more recycling containers you can order them free of charge via our Order a bin or box – MIDDEVON.GOV.UK webpage or by calling Customer Services on 01884 255255.

If you are struggling to fit all your non-recyclable waste within the 180L wheeled bin provided you can contact us via:



Phone: 01884 255255

The clinical waste collection service will not be affected.

If you require a clinical waste collection please refer to our clinical waste webpage.

The criteria for an assisted collection is still the same, and we will still collect your waste and recycling from the agreed upon collection point. The only change is your non-recyclable waste will be collected every three weeks.

If you would like to enquire about getting an assisted collection please refer to our assisted collection webpage: Assisted collections - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK

Place your wheeled bin and recycling containers at the boundary of your property where it meets the kerbside/ adopted highway and our crews will collect from there.


Ask a neighbour to place your waste and recycling at the kerbside for you on your scheduled collection day. 


If you miss a collection and you have extra waste that you are unable to fit within the wheeled bin provided, you will need to contact Devon County Council on 0345 155 1010 to arrange to take your extra waste to your local Recycling Centre.

Three weekly waste collection requires significant upfront capital investment. If future operational savings were made these monies could be reinvested into the service in order to ensure we provide:

  • A continually updated/ improved service;
  • The necessary capacity to cope with our growing housing numbers;
  • The move towards increased recycling targets (mandated by Central Government);
  • And deliver on our carbon reduction pledge

With regard to council tax, about 20% of Mid Devon's budget is spent running the waste collection service. Therefore, the average household is charged an estimated £54 per year to have their waste and recycling collected.

Your trade waste collections will continue at the frequency agreed when you signed up to the Trade Waste Service.

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