A to Z
- Land Availability Assessments
- Land Contamination Assessment
- Land drainage and watercourses
- Landlord Roles and Responsibilities
- Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment
- Landscape Implications of Solar PV Proposals
- Languages
- Lapford - Parish and Town Election Results
- Lapford Neighbourhood Plan
- Leaseholder handbook
- Leaseholder management Policy
- LGA funded research on Gypsy and Traveller sites completed for the Council
- License applications
- Licensing
- Licensing - minor variation process
- Licensing Animal register
- Licensing Fees and Charges
- Licensing policies
- Lifeline alarms
- Listed buildings
- Litter bins and dog bins
- Littering
- Loans
- Local air quality management
- Local authority searches
- Local Development Scheme
- Local Energy Advice Programme
- Local Heritage Assets Register
- Local Plan - Economy
- Local Plan - Environment
- Local Plan - Green Infrastructure Assessment
- Local Plan - Housing
- Local Plan - Landscape Character Assessment
- Local Plan - Playing Fields Strategy
- Local Plan - SA and SEA
- Local Plan - Site-specific evidence
- Local Plan - Social issues
- Local Plan History
- Local Plan maps
- Local Plan review consultation history
- Local Plan Review Examination History
- Local Plan Review Post Submission Updates
- Local Plan Review Proposed Main Modifications Consultation
- Local Plan Review Proposed Main Modifications Consultation Representations
- Local Plan Review Site Specific Evidence Base
- Lost and found dogs
- Love your Town Centre Funding
- Lower Culm - District Election Results
- LS17-2 - Swimming Teacher Lords Meadow
- LS18-2 Assistant Swimming Teacher - Lords Meadow
- LS24 Coach (Bums, Tums & Thighs)
- LS24-01 Coach - Pilates