A to Z
- Radon
- Rate reliefs
- Rateable values
- Rechargeable Repairs
- Recharges Policy
- Record Of Processing Activity
- Recruitment process
- Recycling
- Recycling - what happens to it?
- Recycling & rubbish
- Recycling and rubbish collections
- Recycling centres
- Recycling guidance
- Reduce your bill
- Referendum Results - Cullompton Neighbourhood Plan
- Refusal for a Mutual Exchange
- Refuse Storage for New Residential Properties
- Register of Electors
- Register to vote
- Register your need for a pitch
- Registered Parks and Gardens
- Regulated installations
- Relationship breakdown
- Rent Corrections
- Renting a home or garage
- Repairs and Maintenance Policy
- Report a crime & crime prevention
- Report a dead animal
- Report a missed collection
- Representations - alcohol and entertainment licences
- Residents' Financial Support
- Responsible Authorities – Licensing Act 2003
- Responsible dog ownership
- Result of Poll - Bickleigh
- Result of Poll - Cullompton South
- Result of Poll - Sandford
- Result of Poll - Tiverton (Lowman Ward)
- Result of Poll - Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum
- Results of Poll - Crediton Lawrence Ward
- Retail Hospitality and Leisure Relief
- Retail Impact Assessment
- Retaining Information
- Retention Schedule
- Revenues - Open Data
- Reviews - alcohol and entertainment licences
- Right to Buy
- Risk Management
- Roads and transport
- Roundabout sponsorship
- Rural rate relief
- Rural Services