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Posted On: 13-05-2021
Posted In: Community

Building owners and lease holders in Cullompton can now apply to Mid Devon District Council for grant funding to support the repair and reuse of key buildings in the town centre.Historic England Heritage Action Zone logo


As well as supporting shopfront improvement projects in the Conservation Area the grant scheme will allow sensitive and historic restoration of properties in the Fore Street area, as part of the Cullompton High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) project which launched last year and runs until March 2024.

The project is funded by Historic England with a grant of up to £1.1m, and is being matched with contributions from Mid Devon District Council, Cullompton Town Council, and Devon County Council.

The Grants Scheme is part of the wider HAZ programme, aiming to make Cullompton town centre a more desirable place for businesses, visitors, investors and local people by:

Adrian Welsh, Strategic Manager for Growth, Economy and Delivery, said:
 “These grant funds will help to breathe new life into the town centre, helping to restore the town’s rich heritage and improving the visual appearance of the high street. It should give confidence to building and business owners that they can invest in their properties knowing that there is a concerted effort to make the town centre more attractive to shoppers and visitors as part of wider regeneration. These funds will also help to support a broader town centre recovery following the pandemic.”

The Council has introduced an ‘early-bird’ scheme to encourage early applications, which in the first year of the scheme could benefit from grant contributions of up to 70% of the cost of the works. In subsequent years the contribution available will be reduced.

The Council has always recognised the importance of Cullompton’s heritage. In addition to the grant scheme, the HAZ project will also aim to enhance the heritage and public realm setting of the Higher Bullring, providing a greater focal point to the town centre and providing an extended community space for events and cultural activities.

Apply for a grant or find out more information about Cullompton's Heritage Action Zone.