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Business support & advice

How can we assist your business?

There are a number of council services and responsibilities that your business may need to deal with. These include (but are not limited to):

You can seek help by identifying which if any local authority services/responsibilities might be relevant to your business and contacting the relevant service(s) to find out what information/action is required to achieve your business aims.

Prosper Business Support

Prosper is a FREE support service for businesses and entrepreneurs in Exeter, East Devon & Mid Devon. It offers wide-ranging support covering support for running your business, support to start a new business, support for businesses looking to take on additional staff, & support for businesses looking to become more environmentally friendly and reach net zero or decarbonisation goals.

Register using their sign-up form to find out how they can support you and your business.

Heart of the South West Growth Hub

The Heart of the South West (HotSW) Growth Hub provides a central business advice service to businesses within Devon and Somerset.

The Growth Hub is a free, first point of contact for pre-start, start up and established businesses seeking support and advice. There is a local, dedicated advisory team on hand to answer questions, provide guidance and to make referrals to specialists on specific business topics such as; funding opportunities, marketing, exporting and innovation.

The Growth Hub service provides:

  • Online Business Advisers – Knowledgeable about the local business landscape, the team will talk through your business goals with you and introduce you to an appropriate support provider to help you achieve them.
  • Meet your Growth Hub Events – Monthly events are run across Devon and Somerset where you can speak directly with an adviser and get updates on all the support available to you.
  • Website – The Growth Hub web portal provides information about the business support that is currently available in Devon and Somerset, as well as links to national programmes. You will also find full listings of all free local business support events.
  • Information – The monthly e-newsletter provide updates on support services available to businesses such as advice, grants, funding, events and workshops and key business topics such as sales, marketing or public procurement opportunities. Sign-up via the website.

Business Support Helpline

GOV.UK - Business Support Helpline provides a quick response service if you have simple questions about starting or running a business. It also provides a more in-depth service if you have more complex enquiries.



Business Groups and Networks

Information about organisations in Mid Devon that offer support and advice services to local businesses - Business advice services

Employment and Skills Support

Employment and Skills Hubs in Mid Devon