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Advice leaflet

Comprehensive advice for people suffering with food poisoning or diarrhoea can be found in this leaflet.

People most at risk

Everyone is at risk but babies, young children and the elderly can very quickly become very ill when infected.
Pregnant women, people who already have a pre-existing illness and anyone whose immune system is weakened can also be seriously affected by food borne illness.

Common symptoms of food-borne illness / food poisoning

  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness

The main causes are:

  • Preparing foods too far in advance
  • Not cooking foods properly
  • Inadequate cooling of food
  • Not defrosting foods correctly
  • Storing foods incorrectly (i.e. too warm) so that bacteria can grow quickly
  • Cross contamination of foods after cooking
  • Infection from people handling foods due to poor hygiene

The most common types of food borne illness caused by bacteria include:


This organism is the most common cause of acute diarrhoea in adults.  Two species of campylobacter, C. jejuni and C. coli, cause most infections. The bacteria live in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals including livestock and pets with diarrhoea such as dogs and cats.

Main sources are:

  • raw or undercooked meat, especially poultry
  • unpasteurised milk
  • untreated water
  • cross-contamination

For most infections, it’s difficult to trace it back to the exact source.  The incubation period is usually 2 to 5 days. But it can be as short as 1 day and up to 11 days. Symptoms include stomach cramps and severe diarrhoea but rarely vomiting.


This organism is the second most common form of food poisoning.  Foods such as eggs, chicken, pork and dairy produce can carry salmonellas. Fruit and vegetables can also become contaminated if they have been in contact with livestock, manure or untreated water. People preparing food should make sure that they wash their hands and clean kitchen equipment thoroughly to prevent the spread of salmonellas from meat to other foods in the kitchen. People can also become infected from contact with individuals with diarrhoea or from unwell animals.

Symptoms of diarrhoea, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting and fever usually develop between 12 and 72 hours after becoming infected. Illness usually lasts from 4 to 7 days. People with severe or prolonged symptoms should consult a doctor.

Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria are frequently found in the intestines of humans and animals. There are many different types of E. coli, and while some live in the intestine quite harmlessly, others may cause a variety of diseases.  Symptoms include severe bloody diarrhoea. The infection can lead to serious kidney damage in children. This organism has also been linked to farms.  Main sources are:

  • undercooked beef burgers and minced beef
  • contaminated cooked meats
  • and unpasteurised milk
  • contact with farm animals

Staphylococcus aureus

Symptoms include stomach pains and vomiting, 1-6 hours after eating and it usually takes 12-24 hours for symptoms to subside. This bacteria is found on humans (particularly in the nose, throat, skin and ears) and is transferred to food through poor hygiene practices.


Mild flu-like illness in healthy people, but which can cause septicaemia and meningitis in the young and elderly. Listeria can lead to stillbirth and miscarriage or meningitis in the new-born baby. Sources include unpasteurised soft cheeses (such as Brie and Camembert) and meat pates. Prevention of food poisoning from Listeria is more difficult than other organisms as it can multiply rapidly at refrigeration temperatures. It is recommended therefore that pregnant women do not eat these products.

Although listeria isn't common, it can affect vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and people with reduced immunity, particularly those over the age of 60. People with weakened immunity could include those who have had transplants, are taking drugs that weaken their immune system, or who have cancers that affect their immune system, such as leukaemia or lymphoma.