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Omicron: What are the new Covid rules for the UK?

The government has announced that England is moving to Plan B in response to the risks of the Omicron variant.

This means:

  • Face coverings are required by law in most indoor settings.
  • Office workers who can work from home should do so.
  • Lateral flow tests should be used before people enter "a high-risk setting", such as a crowded place, the government says.
  • Anyone who's been in contact with a positive Covid case, and is fully vaccinated, now has to take LFTs for seven days.
  • Certain venues and events will be required by law to check that all visitors aged 18 years or over are fully vaccinated, have proof of a negative test in the last 48 hours, or have an exemption

Other rules include:

  • Pupils at secondary schools are "strongly advised" to wear face coverings in communal areas; as should staff and visitors at all schools and childcare settings.
  • Anyone with Covid symptoms, or who tests positive, must self-isolate.
  • Self-isolation for people who test positive or develop symptoms - or for unvaccinated people who are a contact of a Covid case.

Keep yourselves and others safe! For more information please visit: Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread - GOV.UK (

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