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Health and Safety – Back to basics

We understand that starting and running a business can be extremely demanding. With so many issues to consider, it may be difficult to know where to start or how to approach certain things.

Depending on what you are doing and your experience, the issue of Health and Safety could be a bit overwhelming!

However, as a starting point, we thought you may like to go and put the kettle on and spare a bit of time to look at our Safer workplace, better business pack.

This pack was designed to help small to medium sized businesses consider and address the risks that matter in their workplace. We know that at first it may seem like a pretty big document but chances are, not all sections will apply to you. It has also been designed to be user friendly, with various pictures and tick boxes.

By giving it a read you may just confirm to yourself that you have everything needed in place – fantastic. However, you may realise that there are some things that need a bit more work and if that’s the case, perhaps this pack is just what you need.

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