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The information is provided as guidance only and is not intended to be either a comprehensive nor exhaustive explanation of the requirements and obligations under the relevant pieces of legislation.

If you have any queries please contact Mid Devon District Council. Alternatively, you may also wish to consider other sources of assistance, such as independent legal advice.

Premises licence vary DPS - General

Any premises that sells or supplies alcohol must specify an individual on the premises licence as the designated premises supervisor (DPS). If this individual changes then an application to vary the DPS must be made.

Please note: an application to vary a premises licence to specify an individual as designated premises supervisor can only be made by the holder of the premises licence.

Application form

The application form is available on our website. There is also a second form, the ‘Consent of DPS’ and this must be submitted with the application.

Applications to vary the DPS must be:

  • made to the licensing authority in the prescribed form
  • made by the premises licence holder
  • accompanied by the correct fee
  • accompanied by the premises licence or relevant part for explanation as to why the premises licence is not able to be produced
  • accompanied by a consent form signed by the new Designated Premises Supervisor
  • please note that Mid Devon District Council no longer accept payment via cheque.

Where there is an existing Designated Premises Supervisor for the premises, you must notify them immediately of your application.

The applicant must give a copy of the application to the Police together with accompanying documents (if any) on the same day on which the application was given to the council. The relevant addresses are:

  1. Licensing, Mid Devon District Council, Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton EX16 6PP
  2. Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, Licensing Section, Devon & Cornwall Police HQ, Middlemoor, Exeter, EX2 7HQ

Please be aware that if the application is submitted online the licensing team will forward it to the Police. The ‘consent of DPS’ form will need to be emailed to us separately at


The Police have 14 days to object to the appointment of a new DPS. If a representation is received then a hearing will be held.

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