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Anyone can make a representation concerning a current application for a premises licence or club premises certificate. A representation must be made in writing and received by the deadline.

A representation must be relevant to one or more of the licensing objectives which are as follows:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm

A list of current applications is viewable on our current applications page.

Further information

If you wish to make a representation concerning a new application or a full variation, please read our representation guidance (before submitting a representation) because it contains important information about the process.

If you wish to make a representation concerning a minor variation, then the above guidance on making a representation will explain what representations can be made about but we also suggest that you read the guidance on minor variations here

This will explain how the minor variation process works as it is different from a new application or a full variation (i.e. the process is quicker and the application is determined by an officer, as opposed to a licensing sub-committee at a hearing).


Download: Representations form for Responsible Authorities

Download: Representation Form for Other Parties

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