Public Access - Search and comment on planning applications
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Planning Enforcement
Tree Preservation Orders or Trees within Conservation Areas and Hedgerows
Details regarding Tree Preservation Orders or Trees within Conservation Areas and Hedgerows.
Stages of a planning application
Do I need permission?
Find out if you need planning permission for your proposed works
Apply for permission
Get help and guidance and then apply online
Validation Checklist for Planning Applications
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
Fees for Planning Applications
Fees for Planning Applications as of 1 April 2025
Pre-application advice and Other Discretionary planning fees
Our pre-application advice can save time, cost and frustration
You may need to apply to display an advertisement on the front of, or outside, your property
Find out about the appeal process
Class Q Agriculture to dwelling guidance
Regulations have been introduced which allow for agricultural buildings to be converted into dwellings without the need for full planning permission subject to specified procedures being completed and subject to certain limiting provisions
Permission in Principle
Preserving and enhancing the historic environment including conservation areas and listed buildings
Demolishing a building
In most cases you will not need to apply for planning permission to knock down a building
Design Review
The Design Review provides an opportunity for developers and local authorities alike to have access to some of the best built environment practitioners in the region
Interim Climate Change Statement
Details of interim Planning Policy Statement to help new development meet the challenges of a changing climate. • Climate Emergency – Planning Applications Checklist • Net Zero Carbon Toolkit • Net Zero Housing Assessment Tool
Devon County Council
Commencement Notice - Intention to Start Work
After your planning permission is granted, you MUST complete a mandatory Commencement Notice at least 7 days prior to commencing the development to let us know when you intend to start work.
Discharge of conditions on planning approvals
Commencement of development prior to the discharge of relevant conditions will render the development unlawful and could lead to formal enforcement action by the Council
Footpath diversion orders
How to apply to divert, extinguish and stop up footpaths and bridleways to allow development to proceed
Permitted Development Rights
Planning Committee dates and agendas
Privacy notices
Read our privacy notices for information on how we process data within the different areas of Planning
Section 106
S106 Agreements, Obligations and Mid Devon Infrastructure Statements
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