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Posted On: 28-11-2022
Posted In: Breaking news

Following the resignation of Cllr Andrew Moore, from his post as Cabinet Member for Finance, the finance portfolio will become the responsibility of the Leader, Cllr Bob Deed.

Councillor Bob Deed, Leader of the Council, said:

“I am saddened that Cllr Moore has decided to resign from his Cabinet post due to his work/life balance and family reasons. We will miss his considerable intellectual contribution in debates within the Cabinet.
“Cllr Moore has invested heavily in his liaison role, on behalf of the Cabinet, with the Council’s development company, 3 Rivers and this additional contribution will be missed, not only by Cabinet but by the Board of 3 Rivers.”

In addition to taking on the finance portfolio, the Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader, Cllr Clive Eginton will jointly undertake liaison with the Board of 3 Rivers.

With only five months left until District Council elections in May 2023 the Leader has decided not to fill this position. By reducing the number of Cabinet Members by one the Council will reduce remuneration costs relating to the Cabinet by around 12.5%.