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Posted On: 01-03-2021
Posted In: Environment

With effect from 1st March 2021 the responsibility for Climate Change within the Council’s Cabinet will cease to be an individual portfolio and will return to be accommodated within the broader Environment portfolio alongside other key strategic issues such as recycling, waste reduction and broader sustainability.

Announcing the changes, Leader of the Council Cllr Bob Deed, said

‘Our commitment to climate change is undiminished and will be strengthened by these changes. Now is the time to normalise these endeavours by embedding carbon reduction across all our actions and activities, not viewing it as something being driven only by one specific individual or portfolio holder. I thank Cllr Wainwright for her passionate input on climate change while she held this portfolio, and I hope that our many achievements over the last two years can be the springboard for even greater ones to come, bearing in mind the recent successes on securing decarbonisation funding and this council’s investment in people and projects to drive this agenda forwards’.