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Posted On: 26-09-2019
Posted In: Environment

Phoenix Lane multi storey car park

In summary the main changes that will now be subject to full consultation, as prescribed through the Off Sreet Parking Order process, are:

Cabinet Member for Finance, Cllr Alex White, said:

“Any changes to parking tariffs is always a difficult one. The Cabinet has looked to strike the right balance between generating sufficient income to off-set the significant costs of operating our ten pay & display car parks and offering its residents and visitors value for money.”

All of the proposed tariffs will now be advertised in the local press and on the all the car park boards situated at the entrance of the Council's car parks.

Full details of the proposals are in the draft Order which together with a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined at the Council’s offices, see Contact details and opening hours.

Anyone wishing to submit an objection or other representation relating to the proposed Order must write, to arrive no later than 18 December 2019, to:

Vicky Lowman
Mid Devon District Council
Phoenix House
Phoenix Lane
EX16 6PP

It is envisaged that the new charging strategy will be implemented in January 2020.