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Posted On: 01-08-2024
Posted In: Community

Members of Mid Devon’s Cabinet met in Crediton this week as they discussed the future of the town centre.

Members of the Cabinet took up residence in the Boniface Centre for the evening, as they discussed the proposed masterplan for the town.

While the Cabinet usually meets at the Council’s base in Tiverton, members are keen to give residents a better opportunity to take part on local democracy and are eager to locate their meetings where local issues are.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Luke Taylor, said:

“When we are discussing issues that affect people in a specific part of our district it’s only right we come to them and give them the best opportunity to be part of the process and see local democracy in action. Like any organisation we have a main office or hub, but that doesn’t mean we need to be rigid and restricted. We are elected to represent local people and we are keen to be more accessible to those electors.”

The Cabinet is responsible for most of the day-to-day decisions of the Council which are not delegated to officers. It is made up of the Leader of the Council and eight Cabinet Members who each have responsibilities for different service areas. The Cabinet develops policies and strategies for approval by Council, exercises overall control of resources within the Council's policies and budget.

You can sign up to receive updates about future Cabinet meetings here.