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Posted On: 25-05-2021
Posted In: Community

Great British Spring Clean Join Our Million Mile MissionDevon residents and community groups are being called on to help clean up the county, as Keep Britain Tidy's nationwide annual Great British Spring Clean (GBSC) returns. 

The national litter picking campaign aims to clean up our nation through a #MillionMileMission. The event has been organised to start from Friday 28 May to Sunday 13 June.

Clean Devon, a multi-agency partnership is backing the campaign, encouraging residents across the district to organise a group clean-up or pledge to do their own individual litter pick whilst following the Covid-19 guidance

The national event coincides with the partnerships new campaign 'find a bin or take it home' which launched on 25 March. The campaign encourages residents and visitors alike to take responsibility for their rubbish, whilst enjoying all that Devon has to offer.

Mid Devon District Council, as part of the Clean Devon partnership can help by providing litter picking equipment and is offering to collect litter during the clean-up event by prior arrangement. 

Principal Waste Manager from Devon County Council and Clean Devon Co-ordinator, Annette Dentith, says:

"As a partnership, we are committed to tackling the littering issue for the good of not only our environment but also for Devon's residents. The GBSC is the perfect opportunity to reiterate the important messages we are already pushing out in our 'find a bin or take it home' campaign."

For additional advice and information on how you can help to reduce litter, visit Clean Devon's website. 

Those who wish to join in with the Great British Spring Clean and take action can visit Keep Britain Tidy's website.

Residents who would like to borrow equipment or arrange for a collection of litter from Mid Devon District Council should contact or phone the Customer Service team on 01884 255255.