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Posted On: 27-08-2021
Posted In: Environment

As part of its climate and sustainability programme MDDC has launched a climate and sustainability website, designed to be a hub for community projects, events, information and resources.

The website has been set up to support communities to reduce their own carbon footprint and offers a platform where we, as a council, can listen to and learn from residents, many of whom have been working on these issues for a long time.

We are keen to make this a comprehensive resource for our communities to use and share and would love for you to get involved:

Tackling climate change will never be achieved without working together and while some projects need to be on a large scale to make an impact there are steps we can all take to help at a more local level.

Access the new Mid Devon Climate & Sustainability website at:

The Council is aiming for net zero carbon emissions by 2030 and is seeking to address the challenge through our own services and by working with the wider district.

Climate Priorities for 2020-24 were set out within our Climate Strategy and Handbook which was approved in October 2020:

As a large partner in the area, we can make a positive impact through the quality of housing, energy supply, planning decisions, choice of transport, tree planting, and education and more – we also have the ability to influence wider decision making.

Councillor Colin Slade, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change said:

“Transforming the way we all live our lives is vital if Mid Devon is to address the climate and nature emergencies it faces.
“Our recently launched Climate & Sustainability website highlights the current impacts of climate change to stimulate support for rapid decarbonisation.
“It provides an opportunity to identify what everyone can work on to mitigate and adapt to climate change, share good practice and inspire each other.
“There are many areas where we can lead by example to reduce our emissions and take positive action to tackle the climate and nature emergencies”