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Posted On: 02-03-2022
Posted In: Community

Mid Devon residents are invited to the Council’s State of the District Debate on the theme of tackling climate change.

The Council’s annual event will be held on Zoom at 6pm on Tuesday 5 April, featuring guest speaker Mukti Mitchell, a Devon sailor, carpenter and author on eco-living.

Members of the public will be encouraged to explore the topics of homes, leisure and work and discuss the most impactful actions individuals and communities can take to respond to climate change.

Local eco-champions are helping to shape the event along with the Council’s Climate and Sustainability Specialist, Jason Ball, and will be sharing their expertise in farming, business, community engagement and energy saving.

Mukti Mitchell once sailed around Britain in an eco-micro yacht as a promotional tour with the message that 'reducing your carbon footprint improves your quality of life.' In 2010 Mukti founded a company devoted to insulating period properties and enabling their owners to reduce the carbon footprint of their home by up to 80% and to date has saved over 15,000 tonnes of CO2 through their work.

Jason Ball, MDDC’s Climate and Sustainability Specialist, said:

"The State of the District debate is a Council event open to all through Zoom - the topics are about our actions and habits in everyday life – and what makes the biggest difference to the planet.
“Our guest speaker, Mukti Mitchell, is a Devon champion of eco-friendly lifestyles. His empowering message from 25 years of low carbon living is that reducing your personal carbon footprint for the good of the planet also significantly improves your quality of life.
“Mid Devon District Council became a signatory to Devon Climate Emergency in 2019 and aims for Net Zero by 2030.”

Please register your interest to attend by emailing Sally Gabriel, the Council’s Member Services Manager, at and specify your preferred topic group: home, work or leisure. Please note, places are limited so please register as soon as possible, by Friday 25 March.

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