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Posted On: 23-04-2020
Posted In: Community

Photo of Morrison’s and MDDC staff, from L-R: Sue Sharland, Lucy Cottrell, Teresa Daveridge, Catherine Urquart and Haley WalkerMid Devon District Council (MDDC) staff have been working alongside Morrisons to help the most vulnerable members of our communities access food as easily as possible.

A team from the Council, many seconded from the now closed leisure centres, are carrying out much needed food deliveries across the district and are being aided by Morrisons’ Community Team.

The Council team is delivering food as part of the county-wide emergency shield hub programme, but is also offering further food packages to those people the district council has identified as vulnerable, through its own Covid-19 Community Hotline and through its housing team.

Supported by store manager Paul O’Brien, Community Champion Catherine Urqhart and café Manager Teresa Daveridge, the supermarket chain’s Tiverton branch has donated food packages directly to the Council, in addition to regular donations to CHAT (Churches Housing Action Team) and has even donated a batch of Easter eggs to key workers.

Catherine Urqhart, Community Champion at Morrisons Tiverton, said:

“We know so many people and organisations, such as food banks, are finding things very difficult at this time and we are pleased we are able to help. As a food maker and shopkeeper, we are in a position to use our resources to make life a little easier for those who are struggling to get food on the table.”

Lisa Lewis, Customer Engagement Group Manager at MDDC, said:

“We need to give those people identified in our district as being especially vulnerable, the easiest access to food sources we can. We are doing this through a variety of ways and it’s great to have the support of Morrisons as well as local groups, and charities such as CHAT to help us do this.”

Over the past four weeks the Council has received 37 referrals from vulnerable residents and made 32 deliveries of emergency food packs.

To contact the Community Support Hub, call 01884 234387, the line is open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm and Fridays 8.30am until 4.30pm. You can also email: or visit