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Posted On: 25-07-2019
Posted In: Business and economy

Street scene of Cullompton High StreetMid Devon District Council has applied for £1.2 million of Government funding to support the regeneration of Cullompton’s historic town centre.

The Council submitted the bid to Historic England for a share of the High Streets Heritage Action Zone, under the Government’s High Streets Programme. The bid is specific to Cullompton.

If successful the funding will allow the Council to redesign the high street to improve the historic setting of the town and enhance the experience for residents and visitors. It will support the re-design of the public areas including improved traffic management and enhanced public spaces.

The scheme will also allow property owners to apply for grants to part fund the reinstatement of historic features and to refurbish specific properties in the Conservation Area.

John Bodley-Scott, Community Development Manager at Mid Devon District Council said:

“Cullompton has a rich heritage and a number of important historic buildings and we hope that funding from this programme will help restore and revitalise the town centre, making it more attractive to shoppers and visitors and leading to wider regeneration.”

Cllr Graeme Barnell, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration said:

“Cullompton has a number of buildings right in he heart of the town that would really benefit from this money. Our Growth, Economic Development and Regeneration team has put forward a comprehensive bid and I look forward to hearing the results.”

The successful bids will be announced by Historic England in Autumn 2019.