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Posted On: 09-08-2022
Posted In: Community

Bin Fire at Tiverton Cemetery - Antisocial BehaviourA fire in a cemetery bin and damage to a football pitch after the misuse of a disposable barbecue grill are just two cases of antisocial behaviour which officers at Mid Devon District Council have recently had to deal with.

Reports of antisocial behaviour have increased and officers are spending more time dealing with the consequences. Reports have included illegal riding of quad bikes through public open spaces, litter and dog mess, damaged areas due to the misuse of disposable barbecue grills and damage to council property.

Council officers also spend many hours removing offensive graffiti on a regular basis, this is especially prevalent on children’s play equipment. Another recent incident saw officers cleaning paint that had been poured on slides in a local play area.

The Council understands that public spaces are a valued asset and everyone should feel safe whilst visiting. Officers are continually working to keep our open spaces welcoming places to visit, where people can go to have fun, feel comfortable and most importantly to ensure that our children are kept safe.

Facilities such as the paddling pools in Tiverton and Crediton and play areas throughout Mid Devon have been under threat due to the antisocial behaviour of the minority.

Mid Devon District Council continue to work with partners across the district, and will continue to offer support. The Council has a range of powers to tackle anti-social behaviour, such as vandalism and intimidation, and nuisances, such as noise or pollution.

Where left unchecked, anti-social behaviour can have an overwhelming impact on residents so please keep reporting crime. If you witness or have concerns of vandalism or nuisances such as pollution or noise please call us on 01884 255 255 or call the police on 101. If you witness incidents that are more serious, of a criminal nature or are causing a risk to a person please call 999 or contact CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111.

Councillor Dennis Knowles, Cabinet Member for Community Well Being said:

“It's disheartening when we receive reports of antisocial behaviour in the local area, in particular play areas and parks. We receive regular reports from concerned residents and we encourage them to contact us or the police about any incidents or concerns they may have.”

We have an ASB toolkit on our website that you can find at:

Disposable barbeque causes damage to a football pitchGraffiti to children's play equipmentGraffiti to a bin and litter