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Posted On: 01-08-2023
Posted In: Community

Since 2019, Mid Devon District Council has spent more than £700,000 on its parks and play areas within the district.

Judith Stewart (1st Willand Brownies), Seren, and Councillor Dave Wulff with the new equipment in Pippins Field Play Park, Uffculme.As part of the national Love Parks Week campaign, the Council is highlighting its work to provide accessible and well-maintained parks and play areas that promote physical activity, mental well-being, and community engagement.

The investments have been utilised to enhance existing facilities, introduce new play equipment, improve safety features, and carry out necessary repairs and refurbishments. This commitment demonstrates the Council's dedication to providing high-quality recreational spaces for residents and visitors alike.

The Council endeavours to, where possible, provide play equipment that is stimulating, accessible and inclusive. Park improvements in recent years have seen a number of accessible features which include basket swings, multi-play units, paved access, and wheelchair roundabouts.

The latest instalment in the Council’s programme of upgrades has seen improvement works at two play parks in Uffculme; Pippins Field and Culm Valley Way. The works were completed in May 2023 and recently, officially opened by local resident, Seren (8 years old) who wished for new equipment to be installed.

When asked about what she thought of the new equipment, Seren said:

“The new equipment is brilliant. There are so many new ways to play on it. I hope lots of children use it!”

At the opening of the play equipment, Seren was awarded with a ‘Speaking Out’ interest badge from Judy, 1st Willand Brownies. Seren is working towards earning her brownie gold award for earning a set amount of badges.

Councillor David Wulff, Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure, said:

"Our parks and play areas play a crucial role in promoting physical and mental well-being among our residents. These significant investments enable us to revitalise our spaces, creating welcoming environments for families, and children of all ages. We are committed to fostering a sense of community and providing recreational opportunities that enrich the lives of our residents.
“I’m delighted that Seren was able to open the new accessible equipment at Pippins Field. Her enthusiasm and determination to see the park improved was inspirational. I wish to thank past ward councillors for helping her to achieve this as a great example of the Council and our communities working together.”

The Council plans to continue working closely with local communities to identify key areas for improvement and implement innovative designs, creating accessible and inclusive play spaces that nurture the growth and development of every child.

Find where your nearest park or play area is in Mid Devon on the Councils website.