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Posted On: 23-04-2020
Posted In: Housing

Screenshot of Joanne Young presenting the Landlords webinarOn Wednesday, 15 April, the Council's Public Health & Regulatory Services team organised a joint webinar with Ashfords solicitors focusing on the impact the Coronavirus is having on residential landlords.

The Government has now brought the Coronavirus Act 2020 into force. This act implements a number of temporary changes to the way the private rented sector operates.

Following her presentation at the Council’s successful Landlord Networking Event in October 2019, Joanne Young from Ashfords Solicitors presented the webinar, talking through some of the key issues affecting landlords during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Group Manager for Public Health and Regulatory Services, Simon Newcombe, said:

“We’re really pleased with how this webinar was received with around 30 landlords joining the free session. It’s really important that we work with landlords and tenants to let them know we’re here to help guide them through this unprecedented situation. We’d like to thank Jo Young and Ashford’s for their continued support to help us keep Mid Devon landlords up-to-date and as informed as possible.”

For those that were unable to attend, a recording of the live session is available to view on the Council’s website at

The Council's Public Health & Regulatory Services team is also planning the next Landlord Networking Event and all being well, it will be held on Wednesday, 14 October 2020. More information about this event will be made available soon.

For more information on the temporary changes and to view the webinar, visit