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Posted On: 25-07-2022
Posted In: Business and economy

Mid Devon District Council has received the Petroc Employer of the Year Award following an award ceremony earlier this month.

The award recognises the work the Council has undertaken with its apprenticeship scheme, mentoring, career advice and engagement with school leavers, as well as its work upskilling its current workforce.

It follows the Council’s success last year when it was awarded the Apprentice Development Programme of the Year.

Matthew Page, Corporate Manager for People, Governance, Waste and Human Resources, said:

"I am delighted we have received this award. Despite the challenges of Covid-19 and the current cost of living crisis our staff have worked extremely hard to deliver and sustain excellent services to the public. Receiving this award is recognition for our workforce for their efforts, as well as acknowledging the hard work the Council has put in to ensure we support and develop our own staff.”

As part of its plans to support our staff the Council has developed online learning, introduced a digital appraisal system and committed to listening to our staff through regular staff surveys. In addition the Council has invested in apprentices and the government’s Kickstart programme which aims to strengthen our talent pool.

Councillor Clive Eginton, Cabinet Member for Development Services, said:

“Excellence in internal development and good performance go hand in hand so it’s really pleasing to see Mid Devon District Council receive recognition for its work in this area.”