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Posted On: 14-09-2019
Posted In: Planning

Image of Cullompton High StreetMid Devon District Council has heard today that its application to the High Streets Heritage Action Zone Programme for Cullompton has successfully passed the first stage.

Historic England has announced that they will work with the District Council to develop a detailed scheme for the programme. This could see improvements to buildings in the historic core of the town and support a complete relook at the high street. This is welcome news and is an important step in continuing efforts to regenerate Cullompton. The Council has already begun its consultation on a masterplan and continues work to deliver a relief road that will alleviate traffic and free-up the town centre.

The Council has always recognised the importance of Cullompton’s unique heritage. The Heritage Action Zone bid will allow sensitive restoration of the conservation area in keeping with its future aspirations.

Cllr Graeme Barnell, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration, said: 

“This announcement comes at an important time for Cullompton’s future. Restoring what is best in the town’s rich heritage and improving the visual appearance of the high street will help revitalise the town. This will make it more attractive to shoppers and visitors and lead to wider regeneration.”

If the bid is ultimately successful, the funding will support grants for repairs and restoration to historic buildings. It will also see improvements to the Higher Bullring area of the town. The Council will need to submit a full programme design by January 2020 in discussion with Historic England, with the aim of starting the scheme in April 2020.

Notes to Editors

Mid Devon District Council has applied to Historic England under their High Streets Heritage Action Zone Programme. This has a two stage application process. The announcement today means that our initial proposal has been accepted. The Council will now have until January 2020 to develop a detailed programme design in discussion with Historic England. If ultimately successful, the scheme will allow property owners to apply for grants to part fund the reinstatement of historic features; to refurbish specific properties in the Conservation Area, and; support improvements to the main streets in Cullompton. The project will also raise awareness amongst residents through a series of events and activities of the heritage value of Cullompton’s historic town centre.