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Posted On: 26-05-2020
Posted In: Housing

Stock image by Michal Jarmoluk from PixabayOn 1st June 2020, new regulations will come into force requiring private landlords in England to meet electrical safety standards by undertaking safety checks in their tenanted properties at least every 5 years.

The regulations apply to new tenancies from 1st July 2020 and for existing tenancies from 1st April 2021.

The new regulations mean:

The full legislation and guidance can be found at

Group Manager for Public Health and Regulatory Services, Simon Newcombe, said:

“We're very mindful of the potential harm from unsafe electrics in rented properties and we welcome this new legislation, not only to ensure the safety of tenants renting privately in Mid Devon, but as a way for landlords to maintain their assets through the frequent upkeep of their property’s electrics.
“The testing of every fixed electrical installation should have a limited impact on good professional landlords, many of whom we acknowledge, already voluntarily undertake these inspections.”

It is essential that landlords follow appropriate guidance relating to COVID-19 when carrying out their duties. More information can be found on the Council’s website by visiting