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Posted On: 24-03-2022
Posted In: Community

MDDC is working closely with Devon County Council and other partners to step up its response as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme.Ukraine flag image

While the scheme only went live a few days ago we know the people of Mid Devon have already been offering support and are eager to find out how they can help the Ukrainian people.

The initial phase of the Homes for Ukraine scheme is designed to supplement the Ukraine Family Visa process, by matching local sponsors in the UK with people from Ukraine. We have already seen hundreds of guests and sponsors being matched in Devon and, following permission to travel, we will start to see these families arrive in Devon soon.

Our initial role, as a local authority, is to ensure we are in a position to conduct DBS checks for all adults within the sponsor family, assess the sponsor’s accommodation and assess any key safeguarding risks arising in each match. We are awaiting further guidance from Government around the specific nature of each assessment. This is a significant undertaking but we have already made good progress to meet these requirements safely and at pace.

Simon Newcombe, Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing said:
“There is huge groundswell of positive, local support and goodwill and we want to ensure this can be utilised by guests, sponsors and partners in a safe way, giving guests the best opportunity to settle and feel welcome in the county. In the coming days we will work with partners to map out an approach in which sponsors, guests, communities and organisations can access the key support services they need. The situation is changing rapidly, with updated guidance coming through from government daily, but our Team Devon partners are working together to develop a prompt and safe response to ensure we can provide the best possible welcome to the people of Ukraine who have been forced to flee their homes as a result of this war. We ask the public to be patient and await full details of the scheme before contacting us.”

If you wish to support the Ukrainian people immediately please donate to the DEC if you can: Disaster Emergency Fund.

You can also register to become a host.

Find about more about Devon’s support for Ukraine Devon stands with Ukraine - Devon County Council