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Posted On: 16-04-2020
Posted In: Business and economy

In the difficult and uncertain times resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, with the UK in lockdown, businesses need a central place to find up-to-date relevant advice.

The Council is regularly updating its website with information for businesses about support, guidance and rates relief. Information about Business Grants and Nursery Discount Business Rates is also provided at

The Government will provide 100% business rates retail relief for the current 2020/21 year, for the following occupied premises:

This is in addition to businesses that already receive 100% small business rate relief (SBRR).

Further to the rate relief, the Government has previously announced two Business Grants:

Eligible businesses can watch the Council's video to find out how to complete a claim form for the grant funding:



They are also encouraged to sign-up to the Council’s Business Rates online portal in order to expedite payment.

Chris Shears, Lead for Business Advice at Mid Devon District Council, said:

“Our economy team is working with the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, identifying businesses not covered by the current guidance, and lobbying government for support packages. There’s several useful resources available to the business community to help guide them to the support they’re eligible to receive, to make them more resilient and to survive the disruption they’re likely to be facing over the coming months.”

Although the Government increased restrictions on people and businesses, including enforcing “non-essential premises” to close, there are a number of exceptions, allowed to remain open, including:

While remaining open, all businesses must:

The Government will continue to review these measures and relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.

More information on support and advice for businesses during the Coronavirus Pandemic can be found at

Any businesses eligible for business grants should sign up to the Council’s Business Rates online portal to receive automatic payment. If businesses are experiencing any issues relating to COVID-19, which are not being addressed through other support channels, they are advised to contact Economic Development via email at, so that the information can be shared confidentially to help shape future activities responding to the outbreak.

For more information

Please contact:

Chris Shears
Economic Development Officer

For businesses with premises in other local authority areas, information for neighbouring authorities can be found at:

Area Local Authority Website
East Devon
Exeter City
North Devon
Somerset West and Taunton
West Devon