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Posted On: 25-06-2020
Posted In: Breaking news

COVID-19 test site graphicMid Devon District Council has been working closely with the national testing programme to reopen a test facility for COVID-19.

The temporary testing site is specifically for people showing symptoms of Covid-19. Anyone in England and Wales who has symptoms of the virus, whatever their age, can now apply for a test, although priority will be given for essential workers.

From Monday, 29 June 2020, the mobile unit will be situated in the car park at Exe Valley Leisure Centre at Bolham Road, Tiverton, EX16 6SG.

The facility is being delivered by the Ministry of Defence, on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care. The site will be staffed by approximately 8 to 12 military personnel from 10:00am until 4:00pm and is likely to be open for seven days (times subject to change).

You should be tested as soon as possible from when you first display symptoms of the virus (within three days) and should book the test online.

You can read more about the testing eligibility and can book a test using the Government’s online portal. You will need to show ID at the testing centre and must not arrive at the testing site without a scheduled appointment. If you are unable to access the internet you can book a test by calling 119.

This is a drive through facility so you must arrive in a vehicle in order to be tested. Please do not leave your vehicle and take instructions upon arrival at the site.

The whole site will be deep cleaned when the testing site has been closed, so that it can safely be returned to its normal use once government guidance allows.

Remember, you can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.

For Government Coronavirus information visit