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Posted On: 08-05-2024
Posted In: Community

The much-loved paddling pools at Newcombes Meadow in Crediton and Westexe Park in Tiverton will be opening again on Saturday 25 May.

We appreciate how popular the facilities are for local families and are keen for residents to be able to make the most of the sunshine and enjoy hours of fun outside.

Councillor David Wulff, Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure, said:

"We are thrilled to welcome back families to our paddling pools for another season. These pools are loved by the local community and especially popular when we have warm weather.
"Our team is dedicated to maintaining the pools' cleanliness and safety, with regular water quality checks and maintenance. Please remember if you are enjoying fun at the pool, please help us keep the pools and the surrounding areas clean by using the bins provided or take your rubbish home with you.”

As the warm weather approaches work is being carried out on both pools during the off-season to freshen them up ready for this summer. Picnic tables at the Westexe pool are an excellent place where families can enjoy a bite to eat – please help us keep the water clean and keep food out of the paddling pools.

From 10am to 6pm, 7 days a week, families can enjoy free outdoor fun until the end of the school summer holidays, with the last day of pool opening set for Sunday 8 September.

Please remember that staff will be working above and beyond their normal role in order to keep these paddling pools open and safe for all to enjoy. If you happen to see them opening or closing the pools, please treat them with respect as without their help it wouldn't be possible for the pools to remain open.

The pools are a perfect place to spend an afternoon – remember to stay protected by bringing your sunscreen.

If you have any urgent concerns about the pools or notice any acts of vandalism or damage, please contact Mid Devon Leisure on 01884 255 255 or e-mail