Alleged Planning Breach
We will require your name, address and contact details in order to record a breach. This is a statutory requirement but your information will remain confidential within the enforcement and legal teams and not held in the public domain in the same way as a planning application.
Planning Enforcement Team; Mid Devon District Council, Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton.EX16 6PP
Your data will be collected from the form and by any other communications you send in to us. This can be emails and noting times and dates of conversations held between yourself and officers over the telephone or at site visits or meetings.
Your information will be used by MDDC to record breaches of planning control in order to carry out our investigations.
Your information could be used to contact you regarding the alleged breach form, we will acknowledge your query, ask for further information if required, then contact you to provide updates and decided outcomes of the investigation of the complaint you have reported.
Your information can sometimes be shared with other services such as the legal department as part of the investigation process. We may also share your information with other statutory consultees such as the Highways Agency, South West Water, Natural England, Building Control, Devon County Council, Council Tax and Public Health. We would not include your personal contact numbers, email address and signatures.
Your information is stored securely within the planning system and only accessible to staff who work as part of the Enforcement Team.
We will retain your information for 6 Years after the resolution date of the complaint.