Green waste - change address
We will hold your contact details, name, address, email address and phone number
Customer Services will initially collect this information and send the information to the waste and recycling team.
This information will be collected by web form, email or telephone conversations.
We are collecting this information to ensure the waste team collect and/or deliver the relevant sized Garden waste bin requested.
It will be used in order to update our records and provide the new bin and permit requested, this will also be used to send out the relevant reminder when the permit expires.
Your information will be shared with the Waste and Recycling Department and customer services.
Waste and Recycling will retain your details in a safe and secure environment All ICT systems are accredited to Public Service Network standards with access restricted to relevant staff. All paper records are stored securely and we have a clear desk policy..
This information will be retained for the duration of the garden waste subscription.