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Posted On: 17-01-2024
Posted In: Community

The Council invites public input on proposed changes to its Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy.

In September 2023, the Council carried out an in-depth review of its existing policy, with a number of proposed changes identified. An updated policy has subsequently been drafted with a focus on ensuring it remains fit for purpose and provides a workable, fair and compliant policy for the regulation of the taxi trade in Mid Devon.

The consultation period extends until 15 April 2024, providing an opportunity to share your views on the proposed modifications.

For more information and to participate in the survey, please visit

The Councils engagement platform, Let’s Talk Mid Devon, allows residents to come together, express their thoughts, contribute ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations that directly influence the work of the Council. Community members can actively participate in a variety of surveys, polls, and discussions that address a wide range of local issues, initiatives, and policy decisions.

Councillor David Wulff, Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure, said:

"Our engagement platform, Let's Talk Mid Devon, enables residents to help shape the policies that impact our community. Join us in the conversation as we seek your insights on proposed updates to the taxi policy.
“A number of other council projects are currently open for consultation, including the Crediton Masterplan, a rural services survey, and a petition of the condition of Mid Devon highways to be improved.”

Visit the website at and join the conversation today.