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Posted On: 12-04-2022
Posted In: Community

Children and families can look forward to plenty of Easter fun at Tiverton Pannier Market.

Market traders are holding an Easter Egg Hunt from 9am to 2pm on Easter Saturday (16 April), when lots of eggs will be hidden among the indoor and outdoor stalls.

It’s 50p a go and entry forms can be collected from the Archie Bears stall, based in a wooden unit opposite the market building. Every child who enters will win a prize.

The event will follow a similar format to the highly successful Halloween Pumpkin Hunt and Santa’s Lost Presents last year.

The Tivvy Samba drumming group is due to give an Easter performance.

Meanwhile, children and adults are invited to enter the market’s competition to design an Easter bonnet or hat.

All entries should be dropped to the market office, with a name, age and contact details, by Good Friday (15 April), ahead of judging on Easter Saturday.

All entries will be displayed at the market.

Entry is free and there will be prizes in three categories – 9 years and under, 10 to 15 years and 16 years and over.