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Posted On: 24-06-2019
Posted In: Community

A Mid Devon District Council Food Safety Inspector checks the temperature of refrigerated meat

A record breaking number of food hygiene interventions have been carried out across Mid Devon this past year.

The team at Mid Devon District Council carried out 1291 food hygiene interventions in 2018/19 compared to a previous total of 554.

The increase can be attributed to better mobile working, effective targeting of resources and listening to feedback from businesses. In reality this means officers now risk assess each business activity, which in turn dictates the type of intervention needed. The interventions vary from an information gathering phone call with the organiser of a parish hall event, to a full inspection and audit at a major food manufacturer.

Simon Newcombe, Group Manager for Public Health and Regulatory Services said:

“It is always good to review the way you work and we knew with financial pressures that the best solution was not to simply employ extra staff to carry out more inspections. Instead we listened to the businesses in our area and adopted a new, tailored approach that differs depending on the risk factor of the business. The result is we’re working more effectively and efficiently than ever to ensure our food businesses are safe and comply with the law.”

As well as carrying out inspections the Council remains committed to tackling high-risk, illegal and poor performing food businesses using the full range of regulatory interventions available which can include closure orders, improvement notices and prosecution.

The team is also on hand to offer advice to businesses and sees working and supporting local firms as a key part of its success.

Simon added:

“We have a small team which covers a large geographic area and they are committed to ensuring standards are high throughout Mid Devon. Our success is down to a fabulous team effort from both our officers and the local food businesses which operate in our area.”

Consumers can find out more information and check the food hygiene rating in restaurants and other food businesses online at the Food Standards Agency. If you can’t see the familiar black and green sticker you should just ask.