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Posted On: 26-09-2023
Posted In: Business and economy

Free Be Grant Ready Online WorkshopIf you are intending to apply for a grant from Mid Devon’s Prosperity Programme or one of the Love Your Town Centre grants, this FREE online workshop will bring valuable tips and tricks to enhance your funding application skills. You’ll gain insider knowledge on how to write an excellent funding bid that grabs attention! Mid Devon businesses and Town and Parish Councils are invited to book a place!

Designed to help enterprises looking to maximise their chances to secure funding, specifically from the funding opportunities Mid Devon District Council have for business and community organisations within our district, this workshop will provide valuable insights on how to level-up your funding application game. The session includes some of the following:

Organised by the Economic Development Team at Mid Devon District Council and delivered by one of Business West’s experienced Business Advisors, the online workshop will give opportunities for those attending to learn new skills and advance their application bids.

“This workshop is a valuable opportunity to learn or improve your bid-writing skills to help your business access the funding it needs to grow or enhance its offer” expressed Cllr Keable. He added “For businesses in Mid Devon looking to apply to the Prosperity Programme, I highly recommend booking a place on the Be Grant Ready workshop.”

The workshop will be held on Wednesday 11 October virtually via Zoom, starting at 10:00am with a finish of 12:00noon.  If you are unable to make this date we are hosting the same workshop again in late January 2024; if you wish to secure a space, please get in contact with our Economic Development team on

Zoë Lentell, Economic Development Team Leader said:

“We understand that applying for funding can be a daunting process for businesses.  This workshop will break down the grant process to make it easier to understand when applying.  Attendees will have the chance to ask questions and learn useful tips and best practice to make a quality bid.”

If you are interested in attending this workshop and wish to book a space please book direct following this link:

For more information about funding opportunities for businesses in Mid Devon, please visit: