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Posted On: 10-07-2023
Posted In: Community

Mid Devon District Council has launched a new website designed to encourage open discussion, idea-sharing, and active community participation.

With Let's Talk Mid Devon, residents, businesses, and organisations throughout the district have the opportunity to help shape the future of their community. The website serves as a hub where residents can come together, express their thoughts, contribute ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations that directly influence the work of the Council.

Through Let's Talk Mid Devon, community members can actively participate in surveys, polls, and discussions that address a wide range of local issues, initiatives, and policy decisions. Whether it's suggesting improvements to Council services, offering insights on the future of Mid Devon through its local plan, or sharing ideas to tackle climate change together.

David Wulff, Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure, said:

“We believe in empowering the community and giving everyone a voice. Let's Talk Mid Devon is an exciting step forward, providing a digital space where we can connect, listen, and collaborate. We encourage every resident of Mid Devon to sign up and actively participate in shaping our shared future."

Let's Talk Mid Devon is now live, visit the website at and join the conversation today.

The website is currently in its infancy with limited projects but watch this space as the Council looks to add more content for residents to engage with over the coming months.