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Posted On: 28-09-2022
Posted In: Business and economy

Jobs Fair at Tiverton Pannier Market October 2022Looking for employment or a change in career? Come along to the Jobs Fair at the Pannier Market in Tiverton on Wednesday 5 October 2022 between 10am and 1pm to meet local businesses and hear about the employment opportunities they have for you!

This free event is designed to help local residents looking for employment and support businesses with their pre-Christmas recruitment. It will promote their business and the exciting job opportunities and careers they have available within our district.

Organised by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Mid Devon District Council (MDDC), the Jobs Fair will host a wide range of local employers from different sectors including leisure, hospitality, health and social care, retail and engineering, amongst others.  Jobs will cover a range of working patterns and hours including shift work, part-time and full-time vacancies.

Councillor Richard Chesterton, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration, said

“The event is being organised for the third and final time this year as it was such a success last time with over 250 attending! Job vacancies were filled by bringing local businesses and the local public together. Many businesses are growing and recruiting for their seasonal period. This will continue to help them promote and engage with the public on what opportunities are available right on their doorstep.
"We will have support from the DWP and MDDC to help with any enquiries that occur on the day.”

If you are a local business and wish to hold a stand at the free event please contact Louise from DWP to book:

Members of the public looking to attend the Jobs Fair on 5 October should bring copies of their CV with them.  If anyone attending needs support with their CV there will be advice there on the day for this.