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Posted On: 01-11-2021
Posted In: Community

From today, 1 November 2021, residents in Mid Devon are being urged to share their views about council services provided by MDDC.

A new residents’ survey is now open and we are encouraging you all to take part, to share your views and priorities for your council.

The survey is open throughout November and the results will feed into our budget setting process, as well as the Council’s future plans for prioritising services.

This year questions include topics such as climate change and economic recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic, as well as listening to how our communities feel about our current service provision and where we can improve.

The survey is anonymous and a summary of the results will be published on the Council website.

Leader of the Council, Bob Deed, said: “While the Council runs many surveys throughout the year, on specific topics, this is about a much broader conversation and will help us see what our communities think, what we do well and what we can do better. It really is your chance to tell us your views.”
Chief Executive of the Council, Stephen Walford said: “We know life has changed for communities in Mid Devon, as it has for everyone as a result of the pandemic, which is why now is a good time to ask our residents for their thoughts and ideas. We really want to know what your priorities are for our district, where you want our resources to be spent, where you would rather we made savings and to have an input to shape the future direction of your Council.”

 The survey can be completed online and should take no more than ten minutes. If you need help completing the survey, or require a paper copy, please contact Customer Services on 01884 255255. The deadline for responses is 30 November 2021.