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Posted On: 02-11-2020
Posted In: Community

.Governance GraphicIn the widest sense, governance is the term used to explain who in the Council has the authority to make the decisions and how such decisions are influenced, debated and challenged - as well as ensuring the Council is kept accountable.

There are a number of governance arrangements the Council is allowed to use and each system has its own benefits. Mid Devon currently operates under a Leader and Cabinet model but the Council, through its Governance Working Group, are looking at whether there are positive reasons and benefits in making changes.

If you are interested in getting involved, the group is holding a session at 6pm on Monday 23 November 2020 via Zoom, by invitation. The panel will be led by an independent facilitator, Cllr Jim McKenna of Cornwall Council and those taking up the invitation to talk to the panel will be given a short slot of their own.

The panel is interested in the following:

To find out more details about governance arrangements at the Council and the different options available please visit

Please email, by no later than 12 November 2020, if you would like to attend the panel session. Depending on uptake, we may need to limit slots, or make other arrangements. Alternatively, you can send your thoughts/comments to the same email address by no later than 28 November 2020, or post to:

Governance Working Group, Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton EX16 6PP (FAO Mrs K Tebbey)