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Posted On: 03-04-2023
Posted In: Community

The Council's housing service has won a ‘Team of the Year’ award for its outstanding efforts to tackle community safety issues and anti-social behaviour in the district.

Mid Devon Housing was recognised for its partnership approach with neighbourhood policing, mental health services, and social services to tackle ‘County Lines’ drug issues. The team has been working closely with residents to address issues of anti-social behaviour and take enforcement action as part of targeted interventions.

The Housing team's successful submission to the awards program highlighted the importance of working together with the community to tackle ASB issues, as well as the significance of raising awareness of ASB reporting to ensure community safety.

The award was presented by Resolve, an anti-social behaviour help organisation that deals with community safety and ASB issues through training, support, guidance, and sharing best practice.

The award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Mid Devon Housing team, which has consistently gone above and beyond to address community safety issues in the district. The award ceremony was held on 30 March in Birmingham, where the winners were announced.

Simon Newcombe, Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation & Housing said:

“Mid Devon Housing's achievement is a significant milestone and a clear demonstration of our commitment to providing quality housing and ensuring the safety and well-being of residents in the district. Congratulations to the entire Mid Devon Housing team on this well-deserved recognition of their outstanding work.”