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Works are now expected to start in September

Posted On: 24-05-2022
Posted In: Community

Amory Park is getting an all new set of play equipment in a more suitable location - with support from the Friends of Amory Park Group.

The proposed play area will be situated in the centre of Amory Park. It will be a further distance from nearby dwellings, the car park and the roadside than the current play area making it a safer place to play.

The play area will be enclosed with paved access, a fully surfaced playground and grass space – the improved access will allow for inclusive use where possible. The new equipment is designed to support toddlers to older children, providing a fun, stimulating play experience for all ages.

Equipment will include a variety of swings, climbing frames, slides, a ‘sky-rider, springers and roundabouts including one that is fully wheelchair accessible.

Andrew Busby, Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure & Climate Change said:

“The Council is really pleased to be able to provide this new play area at Amory Park for Cowleymoor and the whole town.
“The investment is around £130,000 with this being provided from the Council’s own capital funds and funding collected from new residential development.
“The existing play area will remain open until the new play area is ready which will be as soon as possible and hopefully that will be for the summer holidays.”