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Posted On: 31-01-2022
Posted In: Community

Plan Mid Devon Document CoverMDDC has today launched a consultation as it works towards planning the future of Mid Devon for decades to come.

The current Mid Devon Local Plan was adopted by the Council in July 2020 and has a lifespan up to 2033. This plan helps guide multi-million pound investment across the district and provides greater certainty about where new homes, employment, schools, roads and other supporting infrastructure will be located. It will also help us regenerate our town centres and protect and enhance those parts of Mid Devon where we do not wish to see un-planned development taking place, including the open countryside and high quality landscapes.

While there is a current, and recent Local Plan, there is a legal requirement for a review of this document to be completed within five years. To achieve this we have started the preparation of Plan Mid Devon now.

And this is where we need you.

Today we have launched a consultation on our Issues Paper. The Issues Paper provides more information about planning and the matters affecting Mid Devon and is the first stage in preparing a new local plan.

We would like you to tell us what issues you think are most relevant and important to you and your community, and which should be given greatest priority in Mid Devon as we plan for the period up to 2043.

Our Issues Paper sets out what we think could be the six priorities for the district and we have a series of videos and events where you can find out more about each one, as well as a survey to help us understand your views.

Cllr Richard Chesterton; Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration, said:

“We are always striving to secure a prosperous and bright future for our district and we must continually plan in order to achieve this. The local plan process is an ongoing process and one that relies on our communities speaking up about their views.”

Our six priorities are:

To read a summary of the Issues Paper, the full document or to complete the survey visit Plan Mid Devon - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK.

You can also join us for an online Zoom event:

Monday 7 February 3.30pm- 4.30pm

Thursday, 10 February 6pm-7pm. (focusing on climate change)

Monday 14 February 10.30am to 11.30am.

Wednesday 16 February 6pm- 7pm (focusing on housing)

With the announcement of the lifting of National ‘Plan B’ Covid 19 restrictions in January the following public drop in events have been organised.

These events are face to face. To keep everyone as safe as possible from Covid-19 please take a negative lateral flow test before arriving. We encourage you to wear a face mask at the event if you are able to. There may be a one way system and a maximum capacity of the venue at any one time to enable social distancing.

If you need help accessing the survey or any of the documents please call 01884 255255 or email