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Posted On: 09-07-2021
Posted In: Community

From tomorrow, Westexe paddling pool in Tiverton and Newcombes paddling pool in Crediton will be reopened – just in time for the two-week summer heatwave.

Following the continued easing of national restrictions we are now able to reopen our paddling pools to the public providing the current Government rules on social distancing and mixing with others outside of your household/support bubble are adhered to.

We have outlined further restrictions for each of the pools to maintain a safe and enjoyable place for the benefit all users and wider community.

Westexe paddling pool will have a maximum capacity of 25 children and Newcombes paddling pool a maximum capacity of 10 children (with only one adult to keep an eye on each child or group of children). There will also be a maximum stay of one hour with no returns for a further two hours, or when user numbers allow.

A notice for the rules of use including supervising your children carefully, sanitising your hands frequently and not bringing food can be found at each of the locations.

Westexe and Newcombes pools will be open to the public from 10:00am until 6.00pm, seven days a week.

A “hot spell” of weather is due to arrive from July 19 and will last until August 2, the Met Office has predicted. The pools will be a perfect place to cool off – remember to stay protected by bringing your sunscreen.