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Posted On: 23-10-2020
Posted In: Community

Remembrance Day PoppiesMid Devon residents are being urged to observe Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day from their homes this year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

While the traditional parades, services and public gatherings will not take place, there are still many ways you get involved.

This year the Council is encouraging residents to pay their respects by:

Chairman of Mid Devon District Council, Cllr Les Cruwys said:

“It’s so important that we never forget the sacrifices made by so many during times of conflict. Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day give us all the opportunity to pay tribute to our brave armed forces, past and present.
While the current restrictions mean this year’s Remembrance events will be different, I would encourage everyone to join the commemorations from home, by observing the two-minute silence and proudly displaying a poppy in their window. Together, we can play our part in honouring our war heroes and ensuring their memory lives on.”

 For more information visit: