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Can I view my Housing Benefit and Council Tax reduction claim online?

Yes, you can! You can now view your Housing Benefit (if you have a Council Tax liability) and Council Tax reduction claim using our new secure online portal.

The online portal allows you to view your current entitlement by creating an online account.

How can I view my claim?

Registration is quick, easy and only required once. Visit My Council Tax Account to get started or to login if you’ve already registered.

Can I change or make a claim online?

Yes, you can! You can now manage your Housing Benefit claim directly using our new secure online portal.

The online portal allows you to:

  • Make a new claim for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction
  • Retrieve a previously started claim
  • Report a change of circumstances or change of address
  • Register for statements and letters to be emailed direct to yourself
  • Upload documents as evidence in support of your claim

How can I setup an account?

Registration is quick, easy and only required once. Visit My Housing Benefit Account to get started or to login if you’ve already registered.