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Non-Mid Devon residents

Note: All fees relating to Burial and Exclusive Rights are doubled for non-residents of Mid Devon, unless they lived in Mid Devon in the last 10 years.

Fees and charges for Mid Devon residents:

Note: Double fees are also applicable to Mid Devon residents who have lived outside the Mid Devon area for 10 years or more.


To inter a coffin:
Coffin Type Charge
Of a stillborn child No charge
Of a child under 18 years No charge
Of an adult £1460.00


To inter cremated remains:
Interment Type Charge
In a casket £240.00
To scatter ashes £240.00

Interment beneath memorial tree including tree donation. (Subject to availability) 




 To Purchase Exclusive Rights of Burial and The Right to Erect a Monument.

For a period of 30 years


 For a cremated remains grave …


 For a child's grave …

No Charge

 For an adult's grave …




 For a period of 75 years:


 For a cremated remains grave …


 For a child's grave …


 For an adult's grave …


  To Purchase the Right to Erect a Monument on a grave where Exclusive Rights of Burial were purchased before 1 April 2003:

Item Fee

Wall Plaque (4” x 2”)


 To erect a headstone only …


 To erect a headstone & Kerbing up to 7’ x 3’


 To add an additional inscription on a monument after the first placement…                          


 To erect a headstone on a child's grave …


 To place a Tablet/ledger (18” x 18”) or a    Vase


To place a Tablet/ledger (18” x 36”)


To place a Tablet/ledger (larger than 18” x 36”)


 To place open kerbing up to 7' x 3' …


 To place open kerbing larger than 7' x 3' …


 To place fully enclosed Kerb Set



Please note:  These fees are also applicable to any

Memorials sited where NO Exclusive Rights were purchased.

We will try to allow varied monuments, but sizes and types may differ dependent on the location of the plot. Please contact the Bereavement office with any enquiries.

 Sundry Charges:


 Use of Chapel (per half hour)


 Followed by interment.


Carry out Trial dig                                             


Administration Fees in respect of Transfer of Rights / Assignment etc ..


Exhumation fee…Standard Admin fee


Total charge applicable- case by case

Saturday / Bank Holiday supplement 

( Ashes only interments )    




If you’re on a low income and need help to pay for a funeral you’re arranging, you may be able to get a funeral payment from the Social Fund. You may have to repay all or some of it back from the estate of the deceased person.

Further information is available from:

Feedback form

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