Community Safety Partnership
The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 placed a legal responsibility on certain public bodies and other agencies to work together to reduce crime, disorder and the fear of crime locally, in order to improve quality of life and to create a safer living and working environment. The CSP is a statutory body under the Act.
Members of the Community Safety Partnership include representatives from statutory and voluntary organisations as well as from the business sector. The Partnership Steering Group includes representatives from:
- Devon and Cornwall Police
- Devon County Council
- Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service
- Dorset, Devon and Cornwall Probation
- East Devon District Council
- Mid Devon District Council
- Devon Clinical Commissioning Group
The Community Safety Partnership meets quarterly to monitor and oversee the work being delivered by partners against priorities set. This is in addition to the Local Action Groups (East Devon only) and the Sexual Violence and Domestic Violence & Abuse Forum covering Exeter, East & Mid Devon. We work closely with agencies across Devon and the peninsula and are part of the Safer Devon Partnership.
Priorities 2022-25
The Community Safety Partnership (CSP), will work together to make both East and Mid Devon safe places in which to live, work and visit.
The CSP uses analytical data gathered within the Devon Strategic Assessment and the Devon and Cornwall Peninsula Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment to help identify key trends and hotspots of crime and disorder. It was acknowledged within both reports that crime in general is falling year on year but there are different types of crime coming to the fore such as cyber-crime and fraud, and others where recent media exposure has increased public confidence to report, such as domestic and sexual crimes.
More information about the strategic assessments and priorities can be found at the Safer Devon Partnership webpages -
As a result of assessment and consultation our priorities will be as follows:
East & Mid Devon Community Safety Partnership
Community Safety three year plan 2022/25. Our focus will be on:
A Trauma Informed Awareness approach will be applied to all the following themes -
Violent Crime
- Sexual Violence and Domestic Violence & Abuse
- Street Safety (including street drinking)
- Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking
- Violence Against Women & Girls
Youth and Community Risk and Vulnerability
- Community Wellbeing (including Mental Health issues)
- Exploitation
- Prevent (of extremist views)
- Hate Crime
- Anti-social Behaviour
Projects will look to cover the following
- Continued Partnership working with other Devon CSPs to consider joint project working and funding applications.
- Training and awareness raising for staff and practitioners on the Trauma Informed Approach and other community safety priority areas.
- Supporting communities and organisations to be more aware of community safety priorities and their role in tackling these as a joint approach, and supporting funding bids.
- Work will include resilience building for children and young people across all themes.
- Responding to the Violent Crime Act responsibilities.
- Continuing work around reducing violence towards women and girls.
- Lower level mental health needs to build support/capacity before crisis.
The CSP will remain aware and vigilant of emerging threats and local priorities within our communities, and respond in a positive, proactive way.