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Community Safety (safeguarding, crime, help and advice) - Privacy Notice

The personal information we hold when you are supplying us with information about possible safeguarding issues, crime or you require help and advice we will collect your name, address and contact numbers and details of the issue you are experiencing.

This information is collected by Public Health and Regulatory Services at Mid Devon District Council.

The information is collected through the Council’s online request form or via telephone and stored on our system electronically.

The information is used to determine whether or not the Council has responsibility to deal with the issue you have raised and to advise you accordingly.

The information is used to process your enquiry so that we can advise you appropriately.

Your data may be shared with other council departments or partner agencies. This will be to assist with investigations relating to the issues you have raised. In some cases the issue you have raised will need to be referred to another agency so your details will be sent to them so that they can contact you for more information.

Any correspondence between agencies or departments which contains personal information is sent by encrypted email.

All other information in paper form is scanned to the electronic file and the paper copy destroyed via confidential waste processes. All ICT systems are maintained to Public Service Network Standards.

We are legally required to keep client records in relation community safety activities for up to 6 years.

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