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Single Person Discount

If there is only one adult who has their main home in a dwelling, they will be entitled to 25% discount off their council tax bill.

If you feel that you may be entitled to a single occupier discount please apply using our online Single Persons Discount application form.


Single Person Discount Review

You may have recently received a review letter about your Council Tax discount for being the only adult living in your property.  We review Council Tax discounts because sometimes people forget to tell us when the number of adults living at their address changes.  This could be:

  • a new partner moving in
  • a new tenant moving in
  • a child turning 18

The review is being managed on behalf of the council by Capacitygrid.  Their contact details are on your review letter.

Completing the review

Use the form below to either:

  • declare that you are still living alone, or
  • tell us that the number of adults living at your address has changed

It will take 10 minutes to complete, and you will need the passcode numbers on your review letter.

Click here to complete the single person discount review form

Lost your review letter

Please telephone Capacitygrid on 0808 168 8923. Lines are open between 8.45am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday, and this is a freephone number.


Disregarded Persons Discount

Certain categories of person are entitled to be disregarded (that is, not counted) for Council Tax purposes. A discount may be allowed on the Council Tax bill if the number of adults counted as living in the property is less than two. This may result in the dwelling, which is occupied by two or more people being treated as if it was occupied by only one resident, or even no residents. The Council Tax bill for the dwelling will attract a discount of 25% or 50% accordingly.

The following groups of people may be disregarded.  Details below of the different types of disregards available and the evidence required when making an application:- 

  • full-time students, student nurses, and Youth Training trainees.  Please provide a copy of your Student Certificate.  This applied to students who are:

    • in a full time course of education up to or higher than A-level equivalent
    • at a UK or member state institution
    • studying for at least one academic or calendar year
    • studying on a qualifying course
    • A qualifying course means:
      • a course you undertake for at least 24 weeks each year, including periods of study, tuition and work experience which average at least 21 hours per week
      • a nursing diploma course
      • a student midwife course, health visitor course or studying as a student nurse at university
      • attending a school or educational establishment as a foreign language assistant registered with the British Council
    • Correspondence, online and Open University courses may count as qualifying courses, depending on whether they form a full-time course of education.
    • Evening classes and job related training where the course is being taken in consequence of the person's employment do not normally count as qualifying courses for Council Tax purposes
  • people who are apprentices.  To qualify:

    • you must be employed for the purpose of learning a trade or profession, or undertaking a training programme leading to a qualification accredited by the National Council or Vocational Qualifications such as City and Guilds or BTEC.
    • and employed at a salary or in receipt of an allowance or both, which are in total, substantially less than the salary he/she would be likely to receive qualification in question achieved or no more than £195.00 per week
  • people being looked after in care homes
  • people who are severely mentally impaired.  Proof of the benefit in payment along with a signed certificate from a registered medical practitioner.

  • people staying in certain hostels or night shelters

  • 18 and 19 year olds who are at school or have just left school

  • care workers working for low pay, who are providing care or support on behalf of a local authority or charity or employed by the person receiving care but has been introduced to that person by the local authority or charity.  Employed for at least 24 hours per week and in receipt of less than £44 per week and living in the premises provided by their employer for the better performance of their duties. 

  • people caring for someone with a disability who is not a spouse, partner or child under 18

  • members of religious communities

  • people in detention (except those in prison for non-payment of Council Tax or a fine or those being held in police custody until being remanded in custody by a Court)

If your bill indicates that a discount has been allowed, you must tell us within 21 days of any change of circumstances which affects you entitlement. If you fail to do so you may be required to pay a penalty.

If you feel you may be entitled to any of the discounts or disregards listed above please contact us via our online portal.


Reductions for Disabilities Scheme

If there is a permanently disabled person living in the dwelling as their main home and he/she requires at least one of the following to meet the needs of their disability then there may be a reduction in the Council Tax payable on the property:

  • a room (other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) used mainly by the disabled person
  • an additional bathroom or kitchen for use by the disabled person
  • extra space inside the dwelling to allow for the use of a wheelchair

If the dwelling is eligible, the Council Tax will be reduced to that of a property in the valuation band immediately below that shown in the valuation list. As from 1 April 2000, a reduction will also apply to a Band A property.

If you feel that you may be entitled to a reduction please apply using our online Disabled Banding Reduction form.

Other discounts 


Job-related dwellings

If an employee has been provided with a dwelling by their employer and is required to live in that dwelling for the proper performance of his/her duties, that property may be regarded as a second home providing the occupiers of the job-related dwelling have their sole or main residence elsewhere. In these circumstances 50% Council Tax will be charged. If the job-related dwelling is their sole or main residence, the other home may qualify for a 50% discount.

One of the following conditions must also apply to the job-related dwelling:

  • the duties of the job make it easier for you to live there, or
  • you can carry out your job better by living in the property, and it is usual for employers to provide accommodation in that type of job, or
  • there is a special threat to your security, so special security arrangements have been made and you have to live in the property because of those arrangements, or
  • your contract of employment requires you to live there

Examples of where the discount might apply include:

  • publicans who have their own house but their contracts say they have to live in the pub they run
  • school caretakers who have a home elsewhere but their contracts say they must live on or near the school, in accommodation provided by the employer
  • ministers of religion who have their own home but have to live in other accommodation provided by the church in order to carry out their duties as a minister

Please note that:

  • special rules apply if the employee is a director of the company which employs him/her and lives in a dwelling provided by the company
  • the job-related discount does not apply if a person lives in a dwelling provided by a trade or business partner
  • the job-related discount only applies where both homes concerned are in England, Scotland or Wales
  • you cannot claim Council Tax Reduction for a second property


From 1 April 2014, a discount of 50% has been introduced for annexes which are:

  • occupied by a relative of the person liable to pay the Council Tax of the main dwelling; or
  • unoccupied as the person living in the main dwelling is using the annexe as part of their main home

This change makes it possible for persons under the age of 65 to obtain a discount if they are resident in an annexe and related to the person paying the Council Tax on the main dwelling.

The following annexes are already exempt from Council Tax and will not be affected by this new relief:

  • occupied by a dependant relative; or
  • unoccupied and cannot be let separately from the main dwelling without a breach of planning control

To apply for this, please download, print out complete and return the Annexe Discount Application form.

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